Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

Gabsheimer Rosengarten

Geographical center of Rheinhessen 

Where is the center of Rheinhessen? Somewhere in Alzey! Almost. Since 2007 we know it exactly: The geographical center is in Gabsheim in a corridor, which has the old beautiful name "An des Adams Apfelbaum". Tables, benches and information boards invite you to take a break and enjoy the view. The single vineyard Gabsheimer Rosengarten is - unusually - not a contiguous area, but rather fragmentary. The name Rosengarten could refer to a natural growth. However, the name often points to early medieval burial sites. Gabsheim probably had a castle since the end of the 12th century. Today, the single vineyard Gabsheimer Rosengarten is home to a variety of grapes on loess soil. 

> Read more about the history of Gabsheim on 
> Read more about the center of Rheinhessen: 
> Compare the single vineyard Bechtheimer Rosengarten 
> More single vineyard sites with a flower in the name: Elsheimer Blume

Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten
Gabsheimer Rosengarten

facts and figures

Vineyard: 56 hectare Community: Sea level: 190-210 m Exposure: south

soil types

Loess / Pararendzina

Loess Pararedzina

Wind deposition of calcareous dust in the ice ages

fertile, deep, light loam soil, clayey silt, very good storage capacity for plant-available soil water, adequate aeration, nutrient-rich, calcareous, moderate warmability, good rootability, high growth potential

Yellow-fruity aromas, apple, peach, pear, citrus, delicately fruity, slim, refreshing, gentle acidity, medium-strong structure, juicy elegant, drinkable early, tasty charm, uncomplicated complexity, fruity, cheerful expression

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