© Weingut Sans-Lorch© Weingut Sans-Lorch

Winery Sans-Lorch

Welcome to Nackenheim! As a family we now have been runing the Sans-Lorch winery in the fifth generation. Deep-rooted without rigidly grown over - this is tradition in the heart and a head full of new ideas.
In more than 100 years of company history, a winery with estate pub developed, which today is led by winemaker Christian Lorch and his wife Sylke. Their daughter Jasmin has already completed her viticultural training and is now studying viticulture and oenology in Geisenheim.

We say: you can drink wine - but you also have to experience it. We invite you to our winery!
Whether in the Gutsausschank in the garden, during a wine tasting in the vaulted cellar or a tour of the vineyards; Our region belongs to Rheinhessen's lifestyle, wine with tasty food and good company.

You are curious now? Learn more about us and our winery at www.sans-lorch.de or just come right by. We are looking forward to your visit!

Englis speaking visitors are welcome.

© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch
© Weingut Sans-Lorch

About us

  • Winemaker Christian und Jasmin Lorch
  • Vineyard-area 8 hectare
  • sparkling wine

Contact details:

Weingut Sans-Lorch
Christian Lorch
Mahlweg 4 55299 Nackenheim

Visit us

Zum Bethje-Jean

Wgt Sans Lorch 1


Operating mode: Gutsschänke
Cuisine: regional, vegetarian

Welcome to the vineyard and wine vault of the winery Sans-Lorch. After Easter until mid-October, the Gutsausschank, named after Elisabeth (= Bethje) and Johann Adam (= Jean) Sans, is open to the founders of the winery. Just a two-minute walk from the station lies the romantic vineyard amidst the Carl Zuckmayer community Nackenheim. On Saturdays, only reserved events are held, which is why the Gutsausschank remains closed (please refrain from wedding requests). Outside the summer opening hours, the vaulted cellar can be used year-round for celebrations of 50 or more people. Family Lorch is looking forward to your visit.

Hot food: Thu + Fri 18:00 - 21:30 | Sun 16:00 - 21:30
Main courses: 4,50 - 10,00 Euro
Open Rheinhessen wines: 16
Seating: inside 120 | outside 70 | closed company possible (Sat or Mon - Wed) | sep. room 120

Dates: see website


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Winery Sans-Lorch

© Weingut Sans-Lorch

Winery Sans-Lorch

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Processed vineyards

Alternativbild für

The name of the layer is a personal name like Engelbert or similar. based.
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Alternativbild für

The layer designation is based on a shrine, which was donated by the family Schmitt or by the Schmittburg.
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Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Where the "Rote Hang" (engl. red slope) is at its reddest

It is the northernmost and one of the steepest sites in the "Rote Hang", the most popular vineyard in Nierstein, and borders directly on the municipality of Nackenheim. The "Rote Hang" takes its name from the geological formation "Rotliegendem". A red soil, coloured by ferruginous clay slate. It is possible that the Rothenberg got its name from the Rotliegendem. The soil is said to be reddest here. Another interpretation would point to an old “Rodungsgebiet” (engl. Clearing area). The site was mentioned in documents as early as 1364 with the name "in dem Rode". This is an area for unique Rieslings, but also Silvaner. The Nackenheim mountain chapel can be seen from afar. The river Rhein flows below, the island of Kisselwörth nestles on the Nackenheim side of the river. Hikers and cyclists enjoy paths with panoramic views. The municipality of Nackenheim is known from Carl Zuckmayer's comedy "Der fröhliche Weinberg" (engl. the happy vineyard).

> Wine festival in the cheerful vineyard AWARDED: https://www.rheinhessen.de/e-weinfest-im-froehlichen-weinberg-ausgezeichnet-1 
> The municipality invites to open-air wine tastings in "Die alte Mistkaut". Also bookable for private events: https://www.nackenheim.de/og_nackenheim/Tourismus/Alte%20Mistkaut/ 
> Info on Carl Zuckmayer's "Merry Vineyard": https://www.nackenheim.de/og_nackenheim/Kultur/Carl%20Zuckmayer/Urauff%C3%BChrung%20%22Der%20fr%C3%B6hliche%20Weinberg%22/
> For hikers: Rheinterrassenweg https://www.rheinhessen.de/rheinterrassenweg-etappe-oppenheim-nierstein-nackenheim-bodenheim
> For cyclists: Amiche cycle path https://www.rheinhessen.de/radrouten-rheinhessen/amiche-radweg
> Rheinhessen blog: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/rheinterrassenweg-carl-zuckmayer-nackenheim/ 

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