From the village, a large baroque staircase dating from 1741 leads up to the small Catholic church of St.Wigbert. The uniqueness of the console figures as well as the figurative depiction of angels, apostles and the decorative painting make the church an important architectural monument of the Middle Rhine region. Particularly worth seeing are the Romanesque choir room from 1107, the new diamond-shaped roof from around 1850, Gothic wall paintings from the 15th and 16th centuries and the rich Neo-Gothic carved altar from 1887 with St. Boniface, St. Lioba and St. Wigbert.

Schornsheim Kath Kirche
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Contact details:

Katholische Kirche St. Wigbert


55288 Schornsheim

Tel: (0049) 6732 61588

Contact details:

Katholische Kirche St. Wigbert


55288 Schornsheim

Tel: (0049) 6732 61588