Scheu Time, © CC-BY 4.0 Annegret Hirschmann© CC-BY 4.0 Annegret Hirschmann

Discover the wine experience

Learning about wine, being with nice people, tasting wine where it grows, enjoying life - we call it the wine experience. You'll discover that you can taste Rheinhessen, learn how the sun gets into the glass. Here we show you how we achieve that.

Wine festivals

Wine is enjoyment and joie de vivre. Our wine festivals offer you plenty of opportunities to take us at our word and celebrate with us. The Rheinhessen-AUSGEZEICHNET wine festivals are known for their special flair, held in unique locations. Stylish ambiance, interesting programs, wines of exceptional quality, and a regional culinary offering are always guaranteed. Do we have a date?

Excellent wine shops

VinoPeth Flörsheim-Dalsheim

Rheinhessen-AUSGEZEICHNET wine shops

Rheinhessen can be tasted - best experienced in one of the award-winning Rheinhessen wine shops. Tasting is explicitly encouraged!

learn more

Wine experience offers

You want to finally experience the wine adventure for yourself? Take a look at our offers, it's easy to get started.

Stories & Tips