The excellent Heisje

This trullo is also one of the trulli commissioned by Unterfauth Hirschel and was therefore built in 1766.


It was awarded "Excellent" by the Rheinhessen Wine Brotherhood in 1996. The award badge is located to the left of the entrance and proves that it is an award-winning vineyard cottage.

Height: 190
District: "Am Moorstein"


1282: Marstene
1509: morsteyn
1934: On the moor stone
1953: Behind the Morstein
Today: At the Moorstein

Here we are dependent on a pure guess. Today's spelling suggests the conclusion of a former moor. However, no record mentions a moor.
Another assumption could be that it was derived from "More". So a mud pool was called, in which pigs like to stay.












ausgezeichnete Heisje
ausgezeichnetes Heisje
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Contact details:

Ausgezeichnetes Heisje

Ortsgemeinde Westhofen

Ohligstraße 5

67593 Westhofen

Tel: (0049) 06244 250

Contact details:

Ausgezeichnetes Heisje

Ohligstraße 5

67593 Westhofen

Tel: (0049) 06244 250