Probably built in the 16th century, the town hall still impresses with its half-timbered upper storey. It owes its salvation to an expert opinion from 1903, in which the historic town hall was already classified as very interesting in terms of art history. The town hall square serves as a venue for events throughout the year, and every year in August the traditional Weinbergshäuschenwanderung invites visitors to socialise. This location is part of an audiovisual route and offers the possibility to watch/listen to additional content on Youtube audiovisual content of this item was created by a project of the LAG Rhein-Haardt and was funded within the framework of the EULLE development programme with the participation of the European Union and the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, represented by the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of Rhineland-Palatinate

Rathaus Hohen-Sülzen
Detail Rathaus Hohen-Sülzen
Publizitätshinweis Leader Region Rhein-Haardt
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Contact details:

Ortsgemeinde Hohen-Sülzen

Hauptstr. 1-7

67591 Hohen-Sülzen


Contact details:

Ortsgemeinde Hohen-Sülzen

Hauptstr. 1-7

67591 Hohen-Sülzen
