The protestant parish church St. Georg is the church of the deceased village Sarlesheim. It was abandoned after the village Neu-Bamberg was built at the foot of the castle. Only the church remained. It was already mentioned in 1522 as the parish church of Neu-Bamberg. The core of the church still dates back to the Middle Ages. Modifications and extensions followed in the 18th century. The stone former altar canopy dates back to 1516.

Sarlsheimer Kirche
Grabsteine Sarlsheimer Kirche
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Contact details:

Sarlsheimer Kirche

Alzeyer Straße 57

55546 Neu-Bamberg

Internet: http: //

Contact details:

Sarlsheimer Kirche

Alzeyer Straße 57

55546 Neu-Bamberg

Internet: http: //