Experience pure enjoyment at the touch of a button with the Burghof Oswald Winery wine vending machine - the best wines, available at any time. Try it out! The vending machine is located opposite the winery in Alsheimer Straße in the parking lot and is stocked with wine, secco, sparkling wine, juice, water, ready-made grape juice spritzer, non-alcoholic secco, centis cups and small snacks. Instructions for serving are available. Payment possible in cash or by card. Identity card required.

Vinomat am Parkplatz Weingut Oswald
Detailansicht Vinomat Weingut Oswald

Opening hours

  • 17.04.2023 to 31.12.2030
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun: 00:00 to 00:00 o'clock
show on map

Contact details:

Weingut Burghof Oswald

Alsheimer Straße 11

67583 Guntersblum

Tel: (0049) 6249 2392
E-Mail: info@burghof-oswald.de
Internet: https://www.burghof-oswald.de

Contact details:

Weingut Burghof Oswald

Alsheimer Straße 11

67583 Guntersblum

Tel: (0049) 6249 2392
E-Mail: info@burghof-oswald.de
Internet: https://www.burghof-oswald.de