In 1880, the city architect Eduard Kreyssig built a new Jewish cemetery on Untere Zahlbacher Strasse adjacent to the main city cemetery. As a consequence, the old Jewish cemetery known as Judensand at Mombacher Strasse was closed. The entrance to the new cemetery bears a commemorative plaque from 1948. Its inscription can be translated as "Erected in memory of our victims. To shame the murderers. And as a reminder to the living." Fortunately, the graves remained undefiled during the time of the Nazi regime. To this day, members of the Jewish community are laid to rest here.

Jewish cemetery
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Contact details:

Jüdischer Friedhof

Untere Zahlbacher Straße

55131 Mainz

Contact details:

Jüdischer Friedhof

Untere Zahlbacher Straße

55131 Mainz