17 Vineyards

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Niersteiner Ölberg

Niersteiner Ölberg (Oil mountain of Nierstein)

Biblical reference, oil mill or oily Rieslings? Is the single vineyard named “Ölberg” because an oil mill once stood here? Or did the Ölberg get its name because of the oily consistency of the wines produced here? Does the site maybe have biblical references, named after a monastery? Anything is possible. The single vineyard is part of the "Roter Hang" but turns away from the river Rhein and faces south-southeast, situated above Nierstein. Partly very steep with a gradient of up to 60 percent. Like it is tpical for…

Niersteiner Orbel

Niersteiner Orbel

Not a swear word, but full-bodied praise The single vineyard is located at the southern end of "Roter Hang" in a side valley towards Schwabsburg. The name Orbel was mentioned in the community chronicles as early as 1386. "Ölbel" is a dialect word borrowed from the dialect of the locals. An "Ölbel" is a broad, strong, four-bearded man who appears uncouth. A swear word! In relation to the wine, however, it is not a negative association: the wines here are full-bodied, juicy and rich. Riesling or Silvaner grow on loess and red-lying…

Niersteiner Parterberg-DJI_0222-178

Niersteiner Paterberg

Limestone and Pinot vines for the monk’s vineyard The "Niersteiner Paterberg" stretches from Nierstein in the direction of Oppenheim almost until Dexheim in gentle sweeps. Loess and limestone dominate the subsoil here. The old quarry, which was photographed here from above, is clearly visible. This single vineyard is no longer part of "Roter Hang". Various grape varieties grow here, many Pinot varieties, also Pinot Noir. The wines from this vineyard are filigree. The term "Pater" is a synonym for monk. The name thus goes back to the…

Niersteiner Pettenthal

Niersteiner Pettenthal

Boy's name? Toad migration? Rieslings of world fame! A vineyard of world fame! As the name "Thal" (old German word for valley) suggests, this single vineyard site begins in the valley, directly by the river Rhein, and then climbs steeply up the "Roter Hang". This single vineyard site is the steepest section on "Roter Hang" - very valuable and extremely sought after by winegrowers. The cadastral name has existed since 1753. Where does the name come from? There are several interpretations. The most common variant would be the boy or family…

Niersteiner Schloß Schwabsburg

Niersteiner Schloss Schwabsburg (Schwabsburg Castle in Nierstein)

Old castle walls and Riesling Where once was a castle, today only the castle tower is left. It is not known who built the castle. Historians estimate that it was built between 1125 and 1245 during the Staufer period. Hikers can picnic on the lawn in front of the ruins. The single vineyard is named after the former castle. A variety of grape varieties grow on loess and red sandstone, mainly Riesling. The wines are dense with intense aromas. > Discover the single vineyard via the Five Towers Hike:…

Niersteiner Zehnmorgen

Niersteiner Zehnmorgen

10 acres, almost 3 hectares, many limestone rocks Good morning? No. “morgen” does not refer to start of the day, but to the unit "acre". Ten acres are about 2.5 hectares. In fact, that is roughly the area of the single vineyard, which is where its name comes from. On top of loess, in the subsoil of the Zehnmorgen lie large limestone rocks and heavy clay - unusual for Roter Hang, which is characterised by Rotliegend. The single vineyard site is like a small plateau, a stage. Surrounded by an old vineyard wall. The Riesling vines…

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Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de

Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de