Vineyard site "Niersteiner Glöck" at sunset. Above the vineyard site lies the Kilianskirche, a landmark in Nierstein., © Torsten Silz© Torsten Silz
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© Weingut Boller-Klonek
© Weingut Boller-Klonek
© Weingut Boller-Klonek
© Weingut Boller-Klonek

About us

  • Winemaker Christopher Klonek
  • Vineyard-area 10.5 hectare
  • specialist trade

Contact details:

Weingut Boller-Klonek
Christopher und Jürgen Klonek
Oppenheimer Straße 13 55271 Stadecken-Elsheim

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Straußwirtschaft - Weingut Boller-Klonek

Weingut – Sraußwirtschaft Boller-Klonek

Operating mode: ostrich management
Cuisine: seasonal, regional, vegetarian, vegan, Rheinhessen-Tapas

Since 1989, the winegrower family Klonek operates their ostrich business, which is located directly on the thoroughfare, in the district Stadecken. Here
Guests can spend pleasant hours in a pleasant ambience with hearty and seasonal as well as vegan food and excellent, in part nationally and internationally excellent wines. Since the 2012 vintage, the wines are expanded vegan. Quality and the satisfaction of the guests are in the winery Boller-Klonek in the first place.

Hot food: Fri + Sat 18:00 - 21:30 | Sun 17:00 - 21:30
Main courses: 6,50 - 10,50 Euro
Open Rheinhessen wines: 23
Seats: inside 60 | outside - | closed society possible

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Winery Boller-Klonek

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Winery Boller-Klonek

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Processed vineyards

Stadecker Spitzberg

Stadecker Spitzberg

Top mountain!

Just like the vineyard name "Horn", "Spitzberg" is also based on the mountain shape. The roots of the vines work their way through fertile loess and heavy clay marl. Hikers can best explore the vineyard via the "Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte". After a short steep climb, the path leads to a pavilion with a magnificent view. The clay marl soil profile allows you to look deep into the earth. The "Stadecker Warte" was already built by the winegrowers in 1933 and extended with a tower in the 1980s.

> Info about the Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte:
> About the other vineyards of Stadecken: Lenchen
> Rheinhessen-Blog:

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Elsheimer Blume

Elsheimer Blume (Flower of Elsheim)

Romantic or economic thinking? Successful either way.

Was it delightful field flowers, such as corn poppies or delphiniums, that led to the name? Or does it refer – not very romantically - to the Middle High German word "blum" for yield? Did a Mister Blume once live here? We do not know. The lime and sandy marl soil is rich in nutrients and well aerated. The wines from this top vineyard seem particularly aromatic and delicate. Riesling, Chardonnay, Müller-Thurgau, Scheurebe and Portugieser grow here.

> To the single vineyards of the neighboring community of Stadecken: Lenchen and Spitzberg
> To the hike: Adam-Elsheimer circular route
> On the photo in the background: a new vineyard tower.

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Elsheimer Bockstein

Elsheimer Bockstein

Time out for sophisticated Rieslings and Pinot Noirs

Goat? Difficult soil? Jacked up? In German, all these words include the expression “Bock”. There are various interpretations on where the vineyard’s name is originated. Did the Romans once sacrifice goats here? Not very likely. The brown loam limestone soil can certainly be difficult sometimes. Or this is at least, what the winemakers say. Jacked up could be right, because in the area of the single vineyard there was once a resting place on the old army road. A rack for storing loads, the German word is “Bockstein”, sounds more likely. What we know, is that sophisticated Rieslings and Pinot Noirs ideally ripen here. With fine fruit notes and a refreshing mineral acidity. Also visible in the photos: a round-domed trullo.

> To the other sites of Elsheim: Tempelchen.
> The Selz River and the Selz Valley Cycle Path pass not far from the vineyard.
> Elsheim is part of Stadecken-Elsheim. The Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte starts here.
> Further information:

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Engelstadter Adelpfad

Engelstadter Adelpfad (Noble path of Engelstadt)

Walking aristocrats? No, melting Rieslings

Did nobles once walk here? But did they not prefer to ride high on horseback or sit in carriages? The vineyard was first mentioned in a document in 1370 with the name "an dem adelphade" (eng. “by the noble path”). The name is not based on the status of the bypassers, but refers to a ditch. Even today, the meadow ditch runs across the site, with the Selz river flanking one side of the vineyard. The soil is deep, clayey and heavy, with a lot of lime. Full-bodied Müller-Thurgau or melting, dense top Rieslings grow here. The Adelspfad offers a magnificent panoramic view over Stadecken-Elsheim and the region as far as Bingen. Best enjoyed on the vineyard swing!

> Discover the single vineyard via bike on the fruit route: Extremely elaborate land consolidation, water guidance, tower

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Stadecker Lenchen

Stadecker Lenchen

To lend, to lean on - best to drink up!

The vineyard name comes either from the word "Lehen" meaning "lent property" or from the word "Berglehne", an outdated word for mountain slope. The second would be correct, at least geographically, because the "Lenchen" nestles on the slope. Silvaner, Pinot Gris or Riesling grow here on loess, sand and clay marl. The almost ten-kilometre-long hike "Stadecker Warte" offers great panoramic views over the lower Selz valley, various resting places and shows soil profiles. At the top of the plateau, the "Stadecker Warte", which stands on the border of the "Spitzberg" single vineyard, welcomes you.

> Info about the Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte:
> About the other sites of Stadecken: Spitzberg
> Rheinhessen-Blog:

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Essenheimer Teufelspfad

Essenheimer Teufelspfad (Devil’s path in Essenheim)

Devilishly good Rieslings and Pinots

This single vineyard flanks the municipality of Essenheim in the direction of Ober-Olm and Stadecken-Elsheim - with a view into the Selz Valley. Was the devil at work here? Names with the compound "devil" often indicate disreputable localities. Sometimes, however, it is simply a personal name. In neighbouring Nieder-Olm there still is a street called Teufelspfad. Legend says: A thief planned to steal grapes in the vineyards. On his way, someone stopped him. When he turned around to see who was holding him back, he saw the devil. The thief escaped and became a "good man". The single vineyard is dominated by limestone. A heavenly place for devilishly good Rieslings, just as well as for white and red Pinot varieties.

> Discover the single vineyard via Selztal-Terroir-Runde:,%20Freizeit,%20Sport/Tourismus/Selztal-Terroir-Route/
> See the history of the path name "Teufelspfad" in Nieder-Olm:
> Essenheim has friendships with three French partner communities, immortalized in the building "Gateway to Champagne":

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