The Jewish policy of the Electors of Mainz from the 17th century onwards represented a deep turning point in Jewish life.
The Mainz Judengasse was created after all Jewish families except 20 were expelled by the sovereign Johann Philipp von Schönborn. The remaining families were assigned an alley as a residential area, which should be closed on Sundays. This happened after the complaints of shopkeepers, due to the competition from the Jewish traders.A planned expansion of the city gave the Jews free land and discounts on craftsmen and building materials.In addition to what was then called the Vordere Judengasse, another street was soon added, the Hintere Judengasse.
From 1684 onwards, the new synagogue, which was not very attractive, was located in its center. The family restrictions were not enforced. In 1687 about 250 Jews lived in Mainz, which corresponded to 1% of the total population.In 1768 another elector allowed the construction of further houses outside the two Judengassen. This ended the spatial expansion of the ghetto.