Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

The location was mentioned in 1268 with the name "zu kazzinboehle". The first part of this name can be interpreted as an indication of wildcats. But cat is also a pejorative expression, which serves to designate the small, inferior. The basic word is a later reinterpretation of Middle High German buhil = hill.

facts and figures

Vineyard: 52 hectare Community: Sea level: 119-157 m Exposure: north

soil types

Loess / Pararendzina

Loess Pararedzina

Wind deposition of calcareous dust in the ice ages

fertile, deep, light loam soil, clayey silt, very good storage capacity for plant-available soil water, adequate aeration, nutrient-rich, calcareous, moderate warmability, good rootability, high growth potential

Yellow-fruity aromas, apple, peach, pear, citrus, delicately fruity, slim, refreshing, gentle acidity, medium-strong structure, juicy elegant, drinkable early, tasty charm, uncomplicated complexity, fruity, cheerful expression

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Sand / rigosol

Loess sand rigosol

Wind deposits of calcareous dust-sand mixture during the ice ages (majority dust)

Fertile, deep, silty sandy soil, nutrient-rich, calcareous, good storage capacity for plant-available soil water, good ventilation, good rooting, moderate to good heatability, high growth pontencial.

Strong, lush, buffered acidity, fruity aromas, uncomplicated complexity, medium-bodied structure, charming finish. Yellow fruit flavours in white wines. Refreshing red fruit notes, strawberry ad raspberry in red wines.

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