419 Vineyards

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The location was mentioned in 1375 with the name "at the Roden Steyne" documentary. The layer designation is based on the reddish soil color.

The layer designation is based on a shrine, which was donated by the family Schmitt or by the Schmittburg.

The name refers to a spiritual property. Cap refers to the upper part of a hill.

By the adjacent corridor rose garden an interpretation on an early medieval burial places would be possible.

This is the gate in the village fortifications from which a path leads to the Rhine.

The designation of a hallway with this name rarely indicates the precious metal, but rather is an expression of general appreciation.

This is a profitable location. The designation of a hallway with this name rarely indicates the precious metal, but rather is an expression of general appreciation.

The name of the location is based on the high mountain.

The location was mentioned in 1346 with the name "uf der steygen". The underlying word here is medium Hochdeitsch rising = steep rise.

The location was mentioned in 1268 with the name "zu kazzinboehle". The first part of this name can be interpreted as an indication of wildcats. But cat is also a pejorative expression, which serves to designate the small, inferior. The basic word is a later reinterpretation of Middle High German buhil = hill.

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Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de

Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de